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Bite Sleeve Cuffs/Covers

Bite education is not restricted by using bite tugs only. It goes much further and when a pet is experienced enough, dog trainers involve such tools as bite sleeves and bite builders.
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NEW ARRIVALS - Bite Sleeve Cuffs/Covers

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It is a really important step as it helps the canine to improve his skills and to work on the full mouth grip. The tools introduced in this category are meant to bring up outstanding guards, police and military service dogs. The bite sleeves are manufactured from the stuff resistant to tear and wear. Some of them have protective shields on the shoulders, outside and inside handles for better control over them. There exist such items that cannot be used without the cover because they may get spoiled easily. So, here you can find protective covers made of jute and French linen. The variety of the stuff used for the production of these supplies is striking. Want to learn more and to get a bite sleeve for your pet? Learn more about each of the tool!

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