Leather Bite Tugs

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Leather Bite Tugs

Dog training should come gradually. You can’t involve a canine into some difficult exercise if he has no experience in any.
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NEW ARRIVALS - Schutzhund Tug / Toys

The bite tugs made of leather are extremely durable and may cause health problems for the puppies, who are not acquainted with bite education at all, therefore, be careful with it. The dogs who are “mature biters” will be glad to receive a tool that is quite challenging. The tugs have a smooth surface, are stitched reliably and filled with non-toxic stuff. They are health-friendly and can cause no allergy or skin irritation. With the help of these items, you will raise a true champion. The material doesn’t absorb dust or wet and can serve you for a long time. Hurry up to start a captivating game with your pet with the amazing stuff from here!

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