Unique Training Leather Handcrafted Dog Collar for all Dog Breeds with Plates
Schutzhund training cannot be a failure if you prefer using proper educative equipment. Reliable training equipment can be a perfect mean of communication between the two – dog handler and his pet. Easily communicating with your dog you manage to duly educate him, to impart necessary knowledge to him. Your dog is certain to make a prosperous trainee if you choose correct training tactics. Educational equipment + helpful facility will do your dog nothing but good. You won’t do without assistant mean when teaching your canine. Schutzhund program is complicated but not incomprehensible. Your dog breed will always follow your instructions if you manage him cleverly. Use our New Handmade Leather Canine Collar and you will achieve best results in your pet’s education. We created a special leather collar with massive plates. This Decorated Dog Accessory will render you a great service – your dog will become disciplined in shortest term! His knowledge on Schutzhund program will be appropriate as well.
This dog collar will hit your fancy by its capabilities: performance, assistance, versatility, contractual function (between handler and his pet or pet and trainer). Such capable leather collar will always stimulate your tutorial efforts because main job will be performed by it. You’ll only need to know how to correctly handle this equipment and then reap the fruits of a victory. Your pet will love training if feeling comfortable. Only this collar can provide unbelievable comfort for a working dog. Consequently, when managed your dog will not lose his temper but willingly do his work.
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Fashion leather dog collar for Schutzhund training with pleasure
Decorated leather dog collar is equipped with dependable buckle/D-ring for lead
Key features of this Dog Collar: - Topnotch genuine leather
- Superb brass covered plates
- Made by hand
- Great performance
- Carefully riveted
- Beveled edges
- Nickel plated buckle/dee Ring
- Strong but soft
| Intended use of this Canine Collar: - Schutzhund training
- Behavior correction
- Managing strong/active dogs
- Dog socialization
Sizes available: | Available colors: - Black
- Brown
- Tan (Natural color)
How to measure your Working Dog for good fit Collar:
Please be advised that:
- For buckle collar when you specify neck size we will make collar fit on central hole.
- There will be total of 5 holes and distance between each 2 holes is 1 inch (25 mm).
- For example: your dogs neck size is 20 inches (50 cm). Collar will fit on central hole at 20 inches (50 cm).
- There will be 2 smaller size holes - 18 inch (45 cm) and 19 inch (47.5 cm).
- There will be 2 bigger size holes - 21 inch (52.5 cm) and 22 inch (55 cm).
- There will also be tip of the collar after last hole about 2 inch long (5 cm).
- Those are handcrafted collars and some sizes will differ a little (not in significant way).
- 2 ply leather collars and padded leather collars are 1 inch bigger to make sure that it will fit your dog.
The qualities of this collar: strength, wearability, reliability, safety, uniqueness.
You know, Schutzhund training is quite important discipline for every intelligent dog. It is impossible to find more dependable collar for hard working dog.
Before leaving this well-organized virtual page you are recommended reading the more details about this collar. This is a collar with great number of advantages.
You should know that you are gonna buy a genuine creation of leather craftsmen. Sometimes you can think that they were born to design best products for four-legged pets. They give application to the work not saving on time or efforts. Their craft is interesting but complicated. This collar is unique because we do not use somebody’s ideas for making it – only our creativity and preferences of our customers are determinants for us to reflect on invention of the collar for instance.
Do not be afraid of wearing your dog in a decorated collar. This collar is ideal for exhaustive training though it looks showy. Large attractive plates cover leather wide strap. They will not fall out when your pet is involved in dynamic activity – each plate is secured with 2 brass plated rivets. The decoration is only optical illusion and fashionable adornment. The collar’s real destination is to teach your dog Schutzhund.
Your canine will not be wounded by the collar – we beveled and rounded its edges to prevent not only their fraying but also their wearing into your pet’s sensitive skin. Even hardest friction of the collar and the skin will not be very much felt by your pet – the leather does not heat up considerably. The surfaces were polished by hand to silky smoothness for better comfort of your pet.
Take a Look at the Collar in 3D